Dick Heinegard European Young Investigator Award
Each affiliated European Matrix Biology Society will hold its own competition to select a nominee for the Award. Names and details of the nominee should be notified by each Society to the Conference Organizer. Applicants working in European Countries that do not have an affiliated FECTS/MBE Society can apply directly to the Conference Organizer. The host Organizing Committee will select one applicant from these other applications to participate in the main competition. The Conference Organizing Committee will then appoint a neutral chairman of the Young Investigator Awards Committee and 2 other judges (from the international speakers) to consider each nomination and select the 6 strongest for presentation during the Young Investigator Award Session of the Conference. Nominations that are not included in final competition Session will be given an oral presentation in an appropriate Workshop. The Awards Committee will then select the winner of The Dick Heinegard MBE Young Investigator Award based on the overall quality of the science and the oral presentation.
Candidates for this Award should have no more than 5 years postdoctoral research experience. Candidates should apply by sending their CV including publications and an abstract of the work to be presented at the MBE/FECTS Conference to the relevant Society.Next nomination
[Jan 13rd 2020]
Swiss Society deadline for Nomination for Dick Heinegård European Young Investigator Award
may I kindly ask PIs to nominate candidates (post docs for less than 5 years) for the Dick Heinegård European Young Investigator Award.
Each Society nominates a candidate to compete at the Matrix Biology Europe meeting 2020 in Florence 24-28 May 2020. http://www.mbe2020.org
Candidates should apply by sending their CV including publications and an abstract of the work to be presented at the MBE 2020 to collin-ewald@ethz.ch (Vice President of SSMB) no later than 13.01.2020.
Looking forward seeing you in Florence next spring.
© 2017