Annual Meeting
Annual SSMB Meeting 2019 in Bern at the Institute of Anatomy, March 8, 2019 (10:15-16:45).Registration is free of charge
Location: Institut für Anatomie, Uni Bern, Ewald Weibel Hörsaal.How to get there:- Go to the main entrance of the old building of the Institut of Anatomy (Bühlstrasse 26, not Baltzerstrasse 2)
- Walk straight into the building and you are walking directly to the Ewald Weibel Hörsaal
It is our great pleasure to have two outstanding researchers in the field of matrix biology as keynote speakers:
Sabine Werner (ETH Zurich): Regulation of the matrisome in wound healing and cancer
Bernhard Wehrle-Haller (University of Geneva). Controlling fibronectin assembly by metabolically induced post-translational modification of beta1-integrins.
Moreover, we have eight slots for short talks (12min talk + 3min Q&A). Especially young scientists should make use of this opportunity. In addition, please, grab your lastest poster and bring it to Bern. We will provide poster boards.
Deadline for submitting abstract for a short talk is February 17th, mid night.
Please used the following link to register
In addition to science a lunch and coffee during the breaks will be provided. All of it free of charge.
Program Annual Meeting SSMB 2019Time
Welcome - Johannes C. Schittny (Uni Bern)
Keynote lecture: Sabine Werner (ETH Zurich).Regulation of the matrisome in wound healing and cancer
Ines Marques (U. Bern). Disruption of extracellular matrix stiffness during scar formation hinders zebrafish heart regeneration
Eline Jongsma (ETHZ). The in-silicocharacterization of the C. elegansmatrisome and proposal of a novel collagen classification.
Sophia Pantasis (ETHZ). Function of the secreted tyrosine kinase VLK in liver injury and regeneration – extracellular phosphorylation as a potential regulatory mechanism of matrix remodelling.
Kleanthis Fytianos (U. Bern). Hepatocyte growth factor attenuates lung fibrosis by inducing transition of lung mesenchymal stem cells to G2 phase via downregulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase 24.
Lunch (Sandwiches and refreshments will be provided)
Keynote lecture: Bernhard Wehrle-Haller (University of Geneva). Controlling fibronectin assembly by metabolically induced post-translational modification of beta1-integrins.
Michael Bachmann (U. Geneva). Induction of ligand promiscuity of αVβ3 integrin by mechanical force.
Pei Jin Lim (Kipsi UZH). Investigating pathomechanisms underlying kyphoscoliotic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Augusto Lima (EPFL). A new GPVI inhibitor for anti-platelet therapy: from assay development to hit compounds.
Coffee break
Ulrich Blache (UZH). Matrix switch of MSCs in a bioengineered perivascular niche.
Fabian Passini (Balgrist UZH/ETH). PIEZO1 as a mechanosensor in tendons.
SSMB Member Assembly
2018 Annual Meeting will be held on together with the German Society for Matrix Biology
March 22-24th 2018 in Stuttgart
Pre-Conference Young Investigator Session March 21st-22nd 2018
At this conference we will have a Young Investigator Session to create a unique forum for young scientists to present and exchange new data. These sessions will bring together young European researchers in order to promote interactions between pre- and post-doctoral scientists, so they can benefit from the different experiences that the sessions and the subsequent conference offer.
Program Joint Annual Meeting DGMB and SSMB 2018Confirmed Plenary Speaker: Matthias Lutolf (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
•Session 1: ECM in Development & Stem Cell Research –Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Milica Radisic (University of Toronto, Canada)
•Session 2: ECM & Aging –Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Laurent Debelle (University Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)
•Session 3: ECM & Inflammation/ (Auto)Immune Response –Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Antonella Viola (University of Padua, Italy)
•Session 4: ECM & Immunology –Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Ankur Singh (Cornell University, USA)
•Session 5: ECM & Disease –Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Sanjay Sinha (University of Cambridge, UK)
•Session 6: ECM & Tissue Engineering –Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Dimitrios Zeugolis (NUI Galway, Ireland)
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Valbona Mirakaj (University Hospital Tübingen, Germany)
Michael Sherratt (University of Manchester, UK)2017
This years Annual Meeting will be held on February 15th 2017 in Bern.
Registration is free of charge
(Registration is closed)Location: Institut für Anatomie, Uni Bern, Ewald Weibel Hörsaal.How to get there:- Go to the main entrance of the old building of the Institut of Anatomy (Bühlstrasse 26, not Baltzerstrasse 2)
- Walk straight into the building and you are walking directly to the Ewald Weibel Hörsaal
It is our great pleasure to have two outstanding researchers in the field of matrix biology as keynote speakers:
Matthias Chiquet (Uni Bern) and Viola Vogel (ETH Zurich).
Moreover, we excited about the line-up of great short talks (12min talk + 3min Q&A)
Program Annual Meeting SSMB 2017Time
Welcome Remarks Johannes C. Schittny (Uni Bern)
Keynote lecture: Matthias Chiquet (Uni Bern). Growth factors and mechanical forces in secondary palate morphogenesis
Mattia Bordoli (ETH Zurich). Regulation of matrix dynamics by extracellular phosphorylation
Sandrine Gremlich Irrausch (CHUV, Uni Lausanne): Tenascin C knockout mice have an altered lung function at newborn and adult age
Marija Plodinec (Uni Basel). Mechanobiology of epithelia on native basement membranes and relevance for cancer cell invasion
Amiq U. R. Gazdhar (Uni Bern): Electrospray: A novel method for targeted drug delivery
Lunch (Sandwiches and refreshments will be provided)
Keynote lecture: Viola Vogel (ETH Zurich). Mechanobiology of Extracellular Matrix
Joern Dengjel (Uni Fribourg). Systemic perturbation of keratinocyte homeostasis by genetic loss of the extracellular matrix protein collagen VII
Izabela M. Nita (Uni Bern): Alpha1-antitrypsin reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress and release of inflammatory cytokines in cystic fibrosis primary bronchial epithelial cells in vitro
Gerald Grandl (ETH Zurich). Depot Specific Differences in the Adipogenic Potential of Precursors are mediated by Collagenous Extracellular Matrix and Flotillin-2 dependent Signaling
Coffee break
Tiziana Cremona (Uni Bern): The development of integrin alpha 8 deficient lungs shows reduced and altered branching and a correction of the phenotype during alveolarization
Collin Ewald (ETH Zurich). Prolonged extracellular matrix homeostasis is essential for healthy aging
SSMB Member Assembly
© 2017